The Ultimate Guide to Exfoliation: Never Skip if you want a Smooth Glowing Skin!

It is safe to say that even people who take care of themselves never really pay much attention to exfoliation. It is one of the most overlooked section in skin care routines, and it is a HUGE mistake. The exfoliation process is as important as any other skin care routine you follow if not more. If you dream of a skin that glows, soft as wool and tight as a drum, then you better take advantage of this ultimate guide and start exfoliating your way to achieving the ultimate skin.

The Many Benefits of Exfoliation

  • Exfoliation helps cleanse your pores, drawing out impurities from congested pores thereby preventing breakout usually caused by the dirt and oils.
  • It encourages the absorption of skin care products more efficiently as it helps you get rid of dead skin cells. This also gives you that glow and softness every lady craves for!
  • Having problems with age spots and dark spots? Exfoliation visibly reduce their appearance after just one session.
  • Ingrown hairs, razor bumps, large pores rough elbows and knees are a thing of the past when you start exfoliating.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Exfoliation

Although exfoliation is excellent for the skin, a lousy exfoliation can hurt your skin. So to help you achieve your ultimate skin look without the downside, here are the Do’s and Don’ts.


  • Exfoliate twice a week.
  • Exfoliate all your body not just face alone.
  • Always moisturize after exfoliation.
  • Go for natural exfoliating products instead of the ones with chemicals.


  • Never exfoliate your skin daily – it will just cause more harm than good.
  • A dry scrub is a bad idea for your skin. Plus it is painful, ouch!
  • Frequent exfoliation will cause damage to your skin.
  • Never scrub too hard, it will only damage your skin.

Now, that you know how exfoliating works, you should take this knowledge and see where it takes you and your skin. Also at www.tholuhairbeauty.com, we have some of the best exfoliating products that are sure to give your skin that glow.